På vegne af millioner af jægere og andre naturbrugere kondolerer den internationale jagtorganisation SCI familien Buch med tabet af USA´s 41. præsident George H.W. Bush
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Safari Club Internationale (SCI), som er en international fundet jagtorganisation med cirka 50.000 medlemmer, kondolerer familien Bush for tabet af USA´s 41. præsident George H.W. Bush.
I en netop udsendt pressemeddelse beskriver organisationen den pensionerede præsident som en ægte sportsmand kendetegnet ved omsorg og værdighed.
Herunder bringes SCI’s pressemeddelse i sin fulde længde.
SCI Mourns The Passing Of President George H.W. Bush
Safari Club International joins hunters and others around the world in mourning the passing of former U.S. President George H.W. Bush, who also was an Ambassador Life Member of SCI.
SCI’s President Paul Babaz issued the following statement to honor the passing for former President George H.W. Bush:
“On behalf of millions of hunters, sportsmen and anyone devoted to life outdoors, I send condolences to the entire Bush family as they mourn the loss of our 41st President.
“President George H.W. Bush served America in positions of leadership and high responsibility his entire life. As a young man he defended America as a Naval aviator in World War II combat and later led our nation as commander-in-chief in a victorious war to preserve freedom. And throughout his well-lived life, President Bush exhibited a love and enthusiasm for sportsmanship and outdoor life that is an example for everyone to this day.
“Baseball, golf, fishing, skydiving and speed boating were just few of his outdoor pursuits. And President Bush respected his fellow sportsmen and joined with them at several Safari Club International Conventions, accepting an honorary SCI Ambassador Life membership.
“President Bush was a tower of strength and also the embodiment of grace and dignity. Sportsmanship was a permanent fixture of his gregarious character.
“In any endeavor in life, genuine friendship is so desired and yet so rare. My fellow SCI members and I were honored to call George H.W. Bush our president and deeply appreciative and blessed we were able to call him a true friend.”
Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Safari Club International is the voice for hunters and sportsmen across America and around the world.